General Questions

Gamjul consist of a team of professionals who work in difficult and challenging circumstances. With limited resources and constantly changing, complex and dynamic situations, we identify innovations and promising practices in one context, share the ideas across borders, and help adapt approaches to other contexts. This involves “technical” areas like basic education or maternal health, speaks to principles like partnership.

Yes, you can donate anonymously. If you don’t want your name to appear publicly simply don’t set the mark in the checkbox “Show name” when making your donation. Please note that the person responsible for the project can still see your full name. He or she has also the possibility to send you one thank you – message via our system.

If you don’t want to publish the amount of your donation simply remove the mark from the checkbox “Show amount” on the same page.

Other Questions

Unfortunately, at this time, Gamjul does not offer funds to individuals. Instead, we work specifically with Hospitals, projects for all and material donations to individuals. 

We accept Bank transfers, Paypal and more, which is indicated on the donation page.

Still Need Help

We enjoy adapting our strategies to offer every Woman the best
solutions that are at the forefront for safe delivery.


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  • (+49) 17643211170
  • (+220) 3194777
  • 49 Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau New Town, The Gambia

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